Another week complete! Last week I felt so relieved to finally enter the taper.
And in classic taper fashion, I started to feel some discomfort. Thankfully I was able to book an appointment with a sports doctor. She let me know that I am showing early signs of Post Tibial Tendonitis which made me feel so many feels. I’ve been taking it extra easy on my runs and listening to my body and can already tell that this is working because I have no discomfort at the moment and the last few days. I was able to run a 5 mile tempo run on Sunday with zero pain during and after!
The fun news about week 16 is that I got a new pair of shoes which I’m testing out and might make them my marathon race day shoe! They are extra comfy which I require since I’ll be running for over 5 hours it seems — eesh!
For now, I’ll continue to prioritize sleep, food and recovery. When the doubt enters my mind I remind myself to trust the process. :) Week 16 is out!
“We can’t control the engine we’re given. But how we treat our engine is entirely up to us. It will take us to the moon if we let it.” — Alexi Pappas