Ever since yesterday’s run, my mood levels have been high. I’m slowly beginning to find more confidence and yesterday really gave me the boost I needed. I want to go over it so that I can go back and reread this blog when I feel the nerves of race day and remember that I’m already breaking through barriers!
Week of Workouts :
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 40 min MAF run - HR 131 bpm
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 44 min MAF run - HR 128 bpm
Friday: 40 min MAF run - HR 128 bpm
Saturday: 40 min - Yoga + Mobility Strength
Sunday: 15 mile run // 30 min yoga before bed
Firstly, I have to say that I had planned for a 14 mile run but I was feeling so good that I went for one more :) This gear was IT. Everything worked out for me! For dinner I had a bagel with avocado plus some vegan cheeses and crackers (we went to a friend’s house with a lovely vegan cheese spread). For breakfast on Sunday I had 2 protein waffles with maple syrup and half a banana. Around mile 8 my stomach started growling! Note to self: eat a bigger dinner the night before / try adding a few more calories for breakfast as well.
Fuel: during warm up (1 gel - electrolytes plus) // mile 4 (honey stinger chews 3) // mile 8 (1 gel) // mile 12 (1 gel) // snacked on about 3 fruit snacks midway
My stomach starts burping the last gel on the last miles and I think it’s because this is when I usually try and pick the up the pace. Overall, I felt totally fine and most importantly I ACTUALLY had gas in the tank after 13 miles! I was able to get negative splits at the end of the run!! I was honestly shocked!
Mindful Miles: One of my 2024 resolutions was to start running my long runs without music for several reasons. Because I didn’t have music/audiobooks/podcasts entertaining me, I was able to focus on my form, breathing patterns and my cadence. My heart rate tends to climb easily when I listen to music and I know that this is not very helpful or sustainable for a longer run. I focused on keeping my heart rate around 140-150 bpm for the first 7 miles. After those 7 miles I let go of that focus and trusted my comfortable pace and later let my heart rate climb higher after 12 miles. The last 3 miles I put my headphones in (I was so excited to run to fun music)! As I listened to Bloc Party’s “This Modern Love,” I watched my watch pass 13.43miles, the farthest I had ever run. It was exhilarating watching the miles increase with each step breaking through barriers. I hit runner’s high at mile 14 and started tearing up feeling so damn proud of myself that I kept going. I’m happy that I trusted myself at around mile 9 when I decided I was going to go for 15 miles. It was so euphoric to run to 15 miles and feel so strong and capable.
It’s wild to look back and see how shorter distances have nearly taken me down! And yet the longest run I have ever been on felt like a true celebration.
I’m beginning to notice the massive benefits of running at a lower heart rate. It feels like everything is falling into place. It’s helping me slow down and be more mindful. It’s slowing me down to realize where my body is at in that moment. It’s humbling me and reminding me where my fitness level is at and my stress levels. And I’m learning how to conserve energy during the week and during the long run so that I can finish the week and the long run strong.
Two weeks until Rosebowl Half Marathon!
“Just in case you were wondering, ‘Yes you can.’ Maybe it’s been a while since someone reminded you, so I’ll say it again, ‘Yes you can.’” — Sally McRae