Done with week 9! We have entered taper week for the Rosebowl Half Marathon!
My Week of Workouts:
Monday: rest day
Tuesday: MAF 40 min - HR 128 bpm // yoga - 20 mins
Wedenesday: Hill repeats - 3.7 mi
Thursday: rest day
Friday: MAF 60 min - HR 133 bpm
Saturday: rest day
Sunday: 8 mi // yoga (tonight)
I was curious to see how this week was going to go after last Sunday’s 15 mile run. And I really surprised myself getting back on a run after a full day of rest. Since I’m no pro-athlete, I’m really mindful of taking full rest days so that I don’t over do it. I skipped intervals on Wednesday and instead went after a big long hill in Sierra Madre that I drive by a lot. This was a smart move - because it worked different muscles, it almost cancelled out the soreness. Basically witchcraft. However, not gonna lie, I’m feeling pretty tired today after my long run. I’ve been dealing with some family emergency life stuff so anxiety levels are pretty high and I noticed it in my runs this week. It’s the reason why I decided to take Saturday off and even ended up skipping yoga. (Don’t worry I did a quick 10 min yoga sesh this morning before the long run to make sure my legs weren’t tight).
I have entered taper week for the Rosebowl Half Marathon! I’m starting to get really pumped for this race!
Rosebowl Half Goals:
Don’t get injured because training ain’t over yet.
Try and beat my last Half time (2:31) — wish me luck on this one!
Have fun! Like really, please!
This is my last race before the LA Marathon so I want to have fun and take it in. I have been running at the Rosebowl and other parts of Pasadena for 10 years! I think I might get emotional at this half marathon :’) I’ve trained for so many races in Pasadena!
Ok, tapering is unlocked, carbo loading has begun and prioritizing sleep is activated! Let’s gooooo!